Friday, June 15, 2012

Butterfly Babies

Grief is a journey with no destination.  Be gentle with yourself.  There is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of your child.  The stories of parents and birth stories of children are often left unspoken, which in turn leaves mother's and father's to believe they're alone.  You're not alone.  Sadly, babies die everyday, and parents are forced down a road of uncertainty and pain.  Do you want to share your story?  If so, please email us your story and journey of grief.  We would love to feature you on our blog under the "Butterfly Babies" tab.  After my sons died I saw two butterflies, the first one the day we got home from the hospital.  This butterfly was larger just like Quinton was bigger than Owen and looked like this:

I saw a second butterfly the next day that looked like this:

This butterfly was smaller like Owen.  I knew this was my boys telling me they were okay, because I did not see another butterfly until after I returned to work over a week later.  To this day I have not seen any butterflies that look like these.

Imagine the whole of your life changing to such an extreme you are unrecognizable at the end of the transformation. Mind you, this change takes place in a short span of about a month (that’s how long the butterfly life cycle is).  Which is why we chose to name your stories "Butterfly Babies".  The transformation of a butterfly is much like the transformation of each individual after they experience the tragic loss of their child.  Some say the symbol of a butterfly represents freedom, change, rebirth after death, strength, and loneliness (as a butterfly never meets its mother).

If you would like to share your story please email us at:

Please use "Butterfly Babies" in the subject line.  Start by giving us your name, your child or children's name. The date they were born and their Angelversary.  Then tell us your story.  


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