Butterfly Babies

Madaline Kyra
I have been crocheting off and on since I was 8 years old. When I found out I was pregnant on June 12th, 2011 I was so happy and planning all the different things I could make for my new baby. I found out I was going to have a girl when I was about 3 months along, I also found out that I had three uterine fibroids. Then when I was 18 weeks along on September 29th, 2011 I went into labor there was nothing my doctors could do to save her so she was born at 11:31 that night. Through all the tears and heartache of having my first baby cremated, I got back into crocheting a blanket for me and my fiance. Crocheting helped me so much through the depression of not having Madaline with me. So everything I do now for friends that are having babies I do in Madaline's memory. Thank you for the opportunity to tell Madaline Kyra's story.

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