
Thank you for visiting the Patterns page.  If you are here to help we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help in furthering our cause.  We greatly appreciate any and all items received or donated.  You have no idea the impact your kindness is going to leave on somebody suffering from the loss of their child(ren).  Thank you again!

Hat Patterns

Cathi's Micro Preemie Hat

Using baby sport weight (#3) yarn and D, E, or F hook.

Chain 5, join with sl. st. to form a ring.  Chain 3 (counts as 1 dc).  Make 15 more dc inside ring (16 dcs).  Join with a sl st in top of 1 ch 3.  Ch 3.  Do not turn.

Next Row:
Dc in same st as ch 3, *1 dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc.  Repeat from * around.  (24 dc.) Ch 3.  Sl st in top of 1 ch 3.  Do not turn.

Next Row:
Dc in each dc around, ch 3. St st in top of 1 ch 3.  Do not turn.Continue to desired length (est. 5 more rows).  Can finish with ch 1, turn and sc across on last row.

The sizing can be adjusted by adding or subtracting stitches, or using different weight yarns or different sized hooks.

**Please note this is not our pattern and we hold no copyright.  These patterns are not to be sold they are for the use of charity only.  Pattern was pulled from Calvin's Hats.  

Basic Preemie Hat

Skill Level:beginner crochet skill level
Finished Size: 4″ (10 cm) tall, 4 1/2″ (11.5 cm) wide when flat
Medium Weight Yarn (small amount)
Crochet Hook H (5.50 mm)
crochet yarn size 4
Gauge: 8 hdc and 5 rows = 2″
Crochet Pattern: Preemie Hat
Round 1: ch 3, 6 hdc in third ch from hook, place marker: 6 hdc
Round 2: 2 hdc in each hdc around: 12 hdc
Round 3: (2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc) around: 18 hdc
Round 4: (2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc) around: 24 hdc
Round 5: (2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 3 hdc) around: 30 hdc
Round 6: (2 hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 4 hdc) around: 36 hdc
Round 7 – 14: hdc in each hdc around: 36 hdc
Finish off.
**Please note this is not our pattern and we hold no copyright.  These patterns are not to be sold they are for the use of charity only.  Pattern was pulled from Crochet Spot.


Crochet Pattern
MATERIALS: Baby yarn or sport weight yarn, size G crochet hook. Sport weight yarn makes a slightly larger hat. NOTE: For larger sizes, use a size H or I crochet hook.

BEGINNING CLUSTER: Ch 2, *yo, draw up loop in joining, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook, repeat from * one time (3 loops on hook), yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

CLUSTER: *yo, draw up loop in ch-1 space, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from * two times. Yo and draw through 4 loops on hook.

BEGINNING V-STITCH: Ch 5, dc in same ch as joining.

V-STITCH: Dc, ch 2, dc in top of cluster.

Ch 6 loosely. Join with slip stitch to form a ring.
ROUND 1: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same stitch as joining, 2 dc in each chain around. Join with slip stitch to third chain of ch-3. (12 dc)
ROUND 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc in same stitch, 2 dc in each dc around. Join as in round one. (24 dc)
ROUND 3: Beginning cluster in joining. Ch 1, *skip next dc, cluster in following dc, ch 1. Repeat from * ten times. Join with slip stitch to top of beginning cluster. (12 clusters)
ROUND 4: Beginning V-stitch in joining. Cluster in ch-1 space, ch 1, skip next cluster, cluster in next ch-1 space. *V-stitch in next cluster, cluster in next ch-1 space, ch 1, skip next cluster, cluster in next ch-1 space. Repeat from * around. Join with slip stitch to third chain of ch-5 (beginning V-stitch). (6 V-stitches, 12 clusters)
ROUND 5: Ch 3, cluster in ch-2 space of V-stitch, dc in next dc, ch-1, skip next cluster, cluster in ch-1 space, ch 1; *dc in next dc, cluster in ch-2 space, dc in next dc, ch 1, skip next cluster, cluster in ch-1 space, ch 1. Repeat from * four times. Join with slip stitch to third chain of ch 3.
ROUND 6: Ch 3, dc in each cluster, dc and ch-1 space around (36 dc). Join with slip stitch to third ch of ch-3.
ROUND 7: Ch 2, hdc in each dc around.
ROUND 8: Ch 1, sc in joining, sc in next hdc. *ch 1, skip next hdc, sc in following 2 hdc. Repeat from * around ending with ch 1, skip last hdc, join with slip stitch to first sc.
ROUND 9: Slip stitch in next sc. *2 hdc in ch-1 space, skip next sc, slip stitch in following sc. Repeat from * around. Join with slip stitch in first sc of round 9. End off and weave in yarn end.
Pom-pom may be sewn to top of hat.
Note: V-stitch may be made with dc, ch 1, dc. This makes the hat seem slightly less round. I prefer the ch 2. Also, the scallop edge may be made with 3 hdc in the ch-1 spaces instead of 2 hdc..
VARIATIONS: This hat is cute with Rounds 3-5 and 8-9 done in a contrasting color with the pom-pom in the same contrasting color.
POM-POM: Make a guide--I taped 3 standard business cards together. Wind yarn 35 times around short side of the card. Slip off yarn and tie in the middle with a 8-inch piece of matching yarn. Snip folds of yarn and fluff. Run ends of tie through holes in the top of the hat(crown) and tie on the inside to attach. Trim.
I wash my hats by hand in a small amount of mild detergent and rinse twice, squeezing out as much water as possible. Then I dry them in a clothes dryer--this makes the pom-poms fluffy.

**Please note this is not our pattern and we hold no copyright.  These patterns are not to be sold they are for the use of charity only.  Pattern was pulled from Crochet N More.

Diaper Patterns

Brandi's Micro Preemie, and Preemie Diapers


For Micro:                                                                                             

F Hook                                 
Baby weight yarn

For Preemie:   

G hook
Worsted Weight yarn                     
Buttons for both

Note: This pattern is used for both sizes, the only difference is the yarn and the hook

Row 1:           Ch 12, sc in second ch from hook, and in each ch across

Row 2 and 3: Ch 1.  Sc in each sc across

Row 4:           Ch 1, sc dec first 2 st together, sc in next 7 sc, sc dec last 2 st together

Row5 and 6:  Ch 1, sc in each sc across
Row 7:           Ch 1, sc dec 1st 2 st together, sc in next 5 sc, sc dec last 2 st together
Row 8:          Ch 1, sc in each sc across
Row 9:          Ch 1, Sc 1st  2 st together, sc in next 3 sc, sc dec last 2 st
Row 10 and 11: Ch 1 sc in each sc across
Row 12-20:   Ch 1, 2 sc in first sc, sc in each st to last sc, 2 sc in last sc
Row 21 and 22: Ch 1,2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc, sl st in each st to last 2 sc, sc in next sc, 2 scin last sc
Row 23:  Sl st in each st across. Finish off.

Edging and Button Loops

Join constrasting color with a sl st in front (row 1) of diaper. Sc evenly around. ch 4 at back edges (row 23) of diaper for button loops. Continue until you get back to Row 1. Join with a sl st.

Sew buttons to front side, using picture for a reference.

*Copyright Brandi Miller*

**Rules for Brandi's Diaper Patterns:  These patterns have been published free for anybody to use. You may make them however you like. But the pattern cannot be re-sold. These are not to be made and sold for profit.  The purpose of this pattern is for charity alone.  It is up to the creator alone to publish this pattern for resale.  crochetlove

Baby Blankets

Baby Blankets can be made from any pattern you choose in any stitch you choose.  Micro Preemie blankets should be made in a 12 x12 size and Preemie Blankets should be made in a 16 x 16 size.  Our sets will accommodate infants from 0-4lbs (18 weeks to 32 weeks gestation). 

Cotton, Flannel and Fleece
We recently introduced sewn blankets to our comfort sets.  We chose to use a 15x15 size and will use it universally for Micro-Preemie and Preemie sets.
With the fabric of your choice cut out a 15x15 square.  Place the fabric with both back sides out.  Sew around the perimeter, leaving a space for you to turn the blanket inside out so the most color is now on the outside.  Then sew the space closed.  Some like to stitch around the outside as well, it gives a different finished look, it's up to you.  Iron out the wrinkles then done.
If the fabric becomes dirty while in the making of the blanket please wash and iron the blankets before mailing or donating.
Please use baby patterned fabric or solid colors.  Please, please nothing too crazy or obnoxious.  These blankets will be used during parents most difficult times and in photos, colors need to be serene and soothing.  We want to help parents create beautiful treasured memories.